About Course

مستقبلك هو اهم استثمار في حياتك ولكي تكون جاهز لافضل فرصة قادمة يجب ان تمتلك الادوات التي تجعل منك مهندس متميز ومختلف , ومن أهم أدوات هذا العصر هي ان تكون مهندس معتمد دوليا والتي قد تفتح لك العديد من الفرص في دول كثيرة مثل بريطانيا وامريكا وأستراليا

 في هذا الكورس القصير سنحاول تسليط الضوء علي اهم المسارات والطرق التي يمكن اتباعها للحصول علي الاعتماد المهني كمهندس محترف وتصريح مزاولة المهنة والتي تؤهلك للسفر والعمل بالدول المذكورة

سنحاول ايضا الإجابة في هذه الفيديوهات عن اهم التساؤلات التي تراود المهندسين عند التفكير في البدء في هذا الطريق

تم تطوير هذه الدورة من قبل المهندسين الذين اعتمدوا بالفعل من مختلف المعاهد المهنية ، وتم وضعها بهدف مشاركة معارفهم وخبراتهم لمساعدة ودعم الآخرين الذين يطمحون نحو تحقيق المهنية


What will you get from the course?     الهدف من الكورس


This short course provides will explain the main pathways towards becoming a professional and chartered engineer from engineering institutes. This course has been developed by Engineers who have approved mentors from professional institutes, and it was set with their aim to share their knowledge, experiences and wisdom to help and support others heading towards their Professional Qualifications.

What is included in the course?      محتوي الكورس


  • Understand the importance of the chartered engineer license.
  • Understand what mean by professional accreditation
  • Know what the best professional grade matches with your experience.
  • Learn how to be a Chartered Engineer CEng from the UK
  • Learn how to be a Chartered Professional Engineer CPEng from AU
  • Learn how to prepare the main steps of preparing the CDR.

The subscriptions, services and products enable us to reinvest in this website to provide the best independent advice for those budding engineers seeking to be professionally qualified with the ICE.



Most Frequently Asked Questions (FQA)



  1. What qualifications do I need for CEng?
  2. What is a Professional Review?


All the answers to the above questions and more you will get from here   (  FAQ )

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What Will You Learn?

  • Understand the importance of the chartered engineer license.
  • Understand what mean by professional accreditation
  • Know what the best professional grade matches with your experience.
  • Learn how to be a Chartered Engineer CEng from the UK
  • Learn how to be a Chartered Professional Engineer CPEng from AU
  • Learn how to prepare the main steps of preparing the CDR.

Course Content

Why you need to start now.

  • Why you need to start Now

Course contents

Student Ratings & Reviews

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Wail Ibrahim
5 months ago
شرح ممتاز جدا ومختصر ومفيد
5 months ago
Thanks yo Eng. Ayman Kandel
this professional
1 year ago
Thank you
1 year ago